Sunday, February 14, 2010

Global Warming

This past summer, I had the unique opportunity to read a paper on Global Warming which basically dismissed it but which at the same time gave credence to the hype surrounding it simply because it promotes ecologically sound practices. As a Christian, this may raise some problematic ethical questions as far as deception and lying are concerned but at the same time I can certainly relate. I have many friends (good friends at that) who believe that global warming is a hoax that is meant to bring in money. I won't step out on that limb, because I'm no meteorologist, geologist, ecologist, physicist, or hard science buff of any type. What I do feel I may be qualified to talk about is theology and ethics, so I'm going to take that angle - but I believe it is VERY closely relatable to this topic and should be considered by all those on the fence or on whichever side.

Keep in mind, I am no vegeterrorist, no "green-goer," or anything of the sort. My identity is in Christ alone and for his purposes alone do I write any of this - solely to bring glory to HIS name and for the sake of the truth which is found in him.

Also, regardless of your certainty on the truth or falsehood of evolution, young earth creation, old earth creation, or any subsequent doctrine this is wholly-based on simple biblical truths. I am open to debate on the issue and I welcome it.


In Genesis 1, God gave man and man alone dominion over the earth and over the creation. Birds of the air, fish of the sea, everything that creeps on the ground - man has dominion. Note in Genesis 1:30 man is described as vegetarian in nature [prior to the fall] and in Genesis 3:21, man is given clothes of [animal] skin by God out of necessity (the fall had occured, sickness was a reality, etc). As a gift from God, man is to take this dominion - this responsibility - quite seriously. God's gift is not to be squandered, abused, or denied for that matter. A quick reading of Proverbs will assuredly enforce that view.

As humans [and Christians/New Covenant Jews], we still maintain dominion despite the fall - things are just falling apart now. It is clear, then, that we are to take absolutely the best care of the creation that is possible and not be wasteful or stagnate in shifting to more environmentally sound technology. In context of global warming - even IF it is a hoax, even if the earth is "cycling" (which is based on OE doctrines mind you), then we are to do the VERY best we can to take care of that creation, even if it involves serious ecological work as well as personal sacrifice. The Christian life isn't to be shut off, stagnant, or opposed to things that are unquestionably good.

Something tells me that polluting our waterways (indescriminately hurting marine wildlife), emitting harmful carbonic chemicals (birds of the air), and littering and dumping (creeping things) isn't exactly how God intended for us to operate in a post-Industrial Revolution era. Nor is compromising in order to "help make things a little better." We need to be discerning in avoiding that which is self-promoting capitalist trend-garbage and focus on what is true and unfalsiable. To not do everything in our own lives that will allow us take care of the wonderful gift of creation is to not exercise our own authority properly and, I believe, is potentially damaging to the Gospel. As a young moderate-to-conservative idealist, I believe that polarizing legislation on this issue is dangerous. We shouldn't say, "It is either cap and trade or a carbon tax because those would definitely be better than current legislation." No, we should be doing our best to exercise our authority over this world: ceasing compromise, holding on to idealism, and standing immutable in the face of opposition.


More to come.

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